Using Non-porous Cation Exchange Column
for Rapid & Accurate Detection of Stable A1c
Tosoh's advanced HPLC systems are fully automated HPLC analyzers that rapidly and precisely separate hemoglobins found naturally in human blood. HPLC analyzers provide a reliable, accurate and precise result and are suitable for high throughput HbA1c testing in the laboratory or clinic environment in addition to rapid hemoglobinopathy screening. HPLC is considered as the “Gold Standard” technology in the monitoring of diabetic patients over time, via the measurement of HbA1c. This technique was used in the ground breaking DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial) study. Pre-determined windows are set in the software to detect the presence of Hemoglobins A1a, A1b, F, l-A1c, s-A1c and A0 with other windows allowing presumptive identification of various variant hemoglobins.
This technique is a form of column chromatography which involves passing a mixture containing the “analyte” through a column (stationary phase), by a liquid (mobile phase) at high pressure. Cation exchange chromatography is a process that allows the separation of the mixture based on the charge properties of the molecules in the mixture. Cation exchange chromatography retains analyte molecules based on coulombic (ionic) interactions.
The stationary phase surface displays negatively charged functional groups that interact with positively charged cations in the mixture.
Tosoh HPLC analyzers uses a non-porous column and microcomputer technology to quickly and accurately measure the stable portion of HbA1c as a percentage of the total amount of hemoglobin present in the sample. Due to the development of a non-porous ion-exchange column, HbA1c results are directly measured and not clinically affected by the presence of most hemoglobin variants or hemoglobin derivatives.